Our integration with WooCommerce gives you access to all of Affirm's features, including flexible payment options, order management, and easy-to-implement on-site messaging to amplify awareness and conversion.
Embark on a frictionless e-commerce journey with our dynamic integration into WooCommerce! By embracing this integration, you not only unlock the full spectrum of Affirm's features but also empower your customers with flexible pay-over-time choices. Furthermore, with our WooCommerce extension download, you can effortlessly integrate the Affirm payments app with just a few clicks. These enhancements are designed to boost your conversion rates and deliver an unforgettable shopping experience.
How Affirm Works
We're here to make financing a breeze for you and your customers! With Affirm, your customers can easily pay-over-time for their purchases. Our integration is simple, so you can offer payment options online or in-store. We'll provide you with all the necessary tools to set up your business to display monthly payment options, offer prequalification, and add Affirm at checkout. Let's make financing easy together!
Two-Step Integration
Kickstart your journey with Affirm in no time! With just a handful of straightforward steps, you can effortlessly integrate the power of Affirm. What's even better? You won't have to invest extensive development efforts. The process is simple and efficient, making it the perfect solution for your business.
Download the Affirm Extension in WooCommerce
Elevate your checkout experience! Let your users indulge in the convenience of choosing Affirm at the final step. How? Just by installing the Affirm Extension from the WooCommerce store. For a step-by-step installation guide, review our doc.
Configure Affirm in WooCommerce
Learn more about the custom configurations for Affirm in WooCommerce by reviewing our guide.
Support & Resources
After adding the Affirm pay-over-time messaging and Affirm as a payment at checkout, you’re all set. View the pages below to learn more about managing Affirm in WooCommerce.
Updated 9 months ago
Check out out these additional helpful resources for managing your daily operations with Affirm.