How does the Chrome SameSite cookie policy affect my Magento 2 integration?
With the recent release of Google Chrome's SameSite Cookie Policy, the newest version of Chrome updated how it handles cookies. As a result, Affirm will stop working for Chrome users without updating your integration. This guide explains how this new policy affects your Affirm integration with Magento 2 and how to resolve any related issues.
How does the SameSite Cookie policy affect my integration?
Chrome’s SameSite Cookie Policy changes the redirect payment method and causes the Magento 2 sessions to reset when redirecting back to your site from the Affirm checkout. As a result, the session redirects back to an empty cart page and the authorization process fails.
When will Adobe Commerce implement a fix for this?
Although there are not any clear timelines established by Adobe Commerce, there is an active GitHub issue on the topic. In short, the fix would take setting their SESSION cookie as SameSite=None; Secure to ensure POST
requests from outside the website domain are successfully transferring the session information.
How do I fix this?
To fix this issue, you will need to go to your Magento 2 admin panel and set the Affirm Checkout Flow Type field to Modal.
We strongly recommend making these updates in a staging environment before pushing them to production. If you encounter any issues related to the Affirm plugin, please let us know and we would be happy to assist.
Updated over 1 year ago