SFRA Cartridge Installation
This page describes changes that should be made to the site for SFRA storefronts. All of the modifications are stored in the mirrored cartridge structure in int_affirm_sfra/_cartridge
for default Storefront Reference Architecture so you can find the exact code there.
Custom modifications to your core cartridge outlined in this guide can be separated into three parts:
- Templates
- Controllers
- Client-side JavaScript.
Templates (SFRA)
Step 1: cartridge/templates/default/common/htmlHead.isml
Include the Affirm header script tag after Google Verification tag (or after any other relevant tags and before the htmlHead
hook). This tag will populate the configuration object and methods to be placed in the html head.
<isinclude template="affirm/affirmHeaderMF" />
Step 2: cartridge/templates/default/common/scripts.isml
Include vcn.js
as static file at the bottom of the file.
<isif condition="${dw.system.Site.getCurrent().getCustomPreferenceValue('AffirmOnline')}">
<script defer type="text/javascript" src="${URLUtils.staticURL('/js/vcn.js')}"></script>
Step 3: cartridge/templates/default/components/modules.isml
Include the affirmModule
template after the last line.
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule" />
Step 4: cartridge/templates/default/cart/cart.isml
Place promo message below where the cart total is being displayed.
<isset name="Basket" value="${require('dw/order/BasketMgr').getCurrentBasket()}" scope="page" />
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule"/>
<isaffirmpromo context="cart" fpname="${require('int_affirm/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameByBasket(Basket)}" />
Step 5: cartridge/templates/default/product/
There is a set of recurring snippets that need to be placed in order for the Affirm promo message to be shown on the various product related pages. The list of templates that correspond to the pages include:
in the product folder.
Place promo messages in relevant locations where price is displayed.
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule" />
<isaffirmpromo context="pdp" fpname="${require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameForPDP(product)}" >
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule" />
<isaffirmpromo context="pdp" fpname="${require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameForPDP(product)}" >
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule" />
<isaffirmpromo context="pdp" fpname="${require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameForPDP(product)}" >
quickView.isml & setQuickView.isml
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule" />
<isaffirmpromo context="pdp" fpname="${require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameForPDP(product)}" >
Step 6: product/productTile.isml
Paste the following code where the Affirm promo message should be shown on the product listing page.
<isinclude template="util/affirmModule"/>
<isaffirmpromo context="plp" fpname="${require('int_affirm/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmUtils').getFPNameForPLP(product)}" price="${price}"/>
Step 7: cartridge/forms/default/billing.xml
In Storefront Reference Architecture where the credit card form is hardcoded into the templates, you need to manually modify these templates to enable the Affirm payment. Make sure email field is included in the billing form.
<field formid="email" label="" type="string" mandatory="true" binding="email" max-length="254" missing-error="" />
- Make sure the corresponding email field is included in
- Older versions of SFRA may include an email field in
as well as in the templatecheckout/billing/creditCardForm.isml
in which case the redundant email field increditCard.xml
as well ascreditCardForm.isml
should be removed.
Step 8: cartridge/templates/default/checkout
Edit the following templates to integrate Affirm payment into the checkout flow.
Include a div
tag with vcn data.
<isset name="CurrentBasket" value="${require('dw/order/BasketMgr').getCurrentBasket()}" scope="page" />
<isif condition="${CurrentBasket}">
<isset name="basketCheck" value="${CurrentBasket.getAllProductLineItems().isEmpty()}" scope="page" />
<isif condition="${!basketCheck}">
data-vcndata='<isprint value="${affirm.basket.getCheckout(CurrentBasket, 1)}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-enabled='<isprint value="${ == 'on'}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-affirmselected='<isprint value="${true}" encoding="on" />'
data-errormessages='<isprint value="${}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-updateurl='<isprint value="${dw.web.URLUtils.https("Affirm-Update")}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-errorurl='<isprint value="${dw.web.URLUtils.https("Checkout-Begin")}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-csrfname='<isprint value="${dw.web.CSRFProtection.getTokenName()}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
data-csrftoken='<isprint value="${dw.web.CSRFProtection.generateToken()}" encoding="htmlsinglequote" />'
Add a condition attribute within the payment-information
div for switching payment methods whether Affirm is applicable.
data-payment-method-id="<isif condition="${require('int_affirm/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmHelper').IsAffirmApplicable()}">Affirm<iselse>CREDIT_CARD</isif>"
Include the affirmpaymethodli
<isif condition="${paymentOption.ID === 'Affirm' && require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmHelper').IsAffirmApplicable()}">
<isinclude template="affirm/affirmpaymethodli" />
Include the payment method input template within the payment options isloop
<isif condition="${paymentOption.ID === 'Affirm' && require('*/cartridge/scripts/utils/affirmHelper').IsAffirmApplicable()}">
<isinclude template="affirm/paymentMethodInputMF" />
Include Affirm payment option in the summary.
<isif condition="${payment.paymentMethod === 'Affirm'}">
${Resource.msg('', 'affirm', null)}
Place affirm tracking script at the bottom of the order confirmation page before the closing tag.
<isinclude url="${URLUtils.http('Affirm-Tracking', 'orderId', pdict.order.orderNumber)}" >
Controllers (SFRA)
CheckoutServices Controllers
Checkout endpoints in
were replaced to handle Affirm and credit card payments, which can be found inint_affirm_sfra/cartridge/controllers/
No custom code is required in controllers apart from the CheckoutServices.js
which is included in int_affirm_sfra
Client-side JavaScript (SFRA)
Running build scripts
Client-side JavaScript and CSS will need to be compiled before deployment. Update
at the root to make sure the value of paths property is referencing the base cartridge. In addition, please make sure the SGMF Scripts package is installed and run the following command after making changes:
sgmf-scripts --compile js
More information on the build commands can be found here.
Step 1: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/billing.js
Replace the if statement inside the updatePaymentInformation
function with the following:
if (order.billing.payment && order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments
&& order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments.length > 0 && ($('.payment-information').data('payment-method-id') === 'CREDIT_CARD')) {
htmlToAppend += '<span>' + order.resources.cardType + ' '
+ order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].type
+ '</span><div>'
+ order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].maskedCreditCardNumber
+ '</div><div><span>'
+ order.resources.cardEnding + ' '
+ order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].expirationMonth
+ '/' + order.billing.payment.selectedPaymentInstruments[0].expirationYear
+ '</span></div>';
} else {
htmlToAppend += '<span><div>Affirm</div></span>';
Make sure the
includes force clearing security code and credit card number inside theupdateBillingAddressFormValues
function, which SFRA should include by default.
Step 2: cartridge/client/default/js/checkout/checkout.js
Add an if statement based on checkout stage inside the updateUrl
if (checkoutStages[currentStage] === 'payment') {
if ($('#affirm-config').data('affirmenabled')) {
} else if (checkoutStages[currentStage] === 'placeOrder') {
var url = $('#affirm-config').data('affirupdateurl');
url: url,
method: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
$('#vcn-data').data('vcndata', JSON.parse(data.vcndata));
Modify the block executed when stage is ‘placeOrder’ as shown below:
else if (stage === 'placeOrder') {
if (($('.payment-summary .js-affirm-payment-description').length <= 0) // when affirm is not used
|| ($('#affirm-config').data('vcnenabled') && $('#vcn-data').data('vcncomplete'))) { // or vcn is enabled but complete
url: $('.place-order').data('action'),
method: 'POST',
success: function (data) {
// enable the placeOrder button here
$('body').trigger('checkout:enableButton', '.next-step-button button');
if (data.error) {
if (data.cartError) {
window.location.href = data.redirectUrl;
} else {
// go to appropriate stage and display error message
} else {
var continueUrl = data.continueUrl;
var urlParams = {
ID: data.orderID,
token: data.orderToken
continueUrl += (continueUrl.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?') +
Object.keys(urlParams).map(function (key) {
return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(urlParams[key]);
window.location.href = continueUrl;
error: function () {
// enable the placeOrder button here
$('body').trigger('checkout:enableButton', $('.next-step-button button'));
return defer;
Step 3: js/cart/cart.js
Add recalculation for the Affirm Modal Promo price on re-rendering of order totals.
var totalCalculated = data.totals.grandTotal.substr(1).replace(/,/g, '');
$('.affirm-as-low-as').attr('data-amount', (totalCalculated * 100).toFixed());
var isWithinAffirmLimit = (parseFloat(totalCalculated) >= parseFloat(affirmLimits.min) && parseFloat(totalCalculated) <= parseFloat(affirmLimits.max))
if (isWithinAffirmLimit) {
} else {
$('.affirm-as-low-as').attr('data-amount', NaN);
Step 4: js/search/search.js
Update showMore
method to include affirm.ui.refresh
as a success callback, shown below.
showMore: function () {
// Show more products
$('.container').on('click', '.show-more button', function (e) {
var showMoreUrl = $(this).data('url');
$(this).trigger('search:showMore', e);
url: showMoreUrl,
data: { selectedUrl: showMoreUrl },
method: 'GET',
success: function (response) {
error: function () {
Make sure to rebuild client JS after making modifications.
Updated 8 months ago