The checkout object is the data payload that contains information about the customer's order. It is POSTed to the Affirm API to initialize Affirm checkout.
Attribute | Data type | Description |
merchant required | object | Merchant specific information. See merchant details. |
shipping required* | object | The shipping details. *Note: The shipping object is only required for scenarios where goods are shipped. If you don't ship goods, such as if you're a travel merchant, contact support or your customer success manager to update your account configurations. |
billing optional | object | The billing details. |
store optional | object | Address details for in-store transactions. |
items required | Array | An array of item. |
discounts optional | object | A list of discounts. Each discount must have their discount code. |
metadata optional | object | See metadata details. |
order_id optional | string | The merchant order id. This is stored for your own future reference. |
currency required | string | Three-letter ISO currency code in uppercase. Possible values: - USD - CAD |
financing_program optional | string | A financing program applied on this checkout. |
shipping_amount | integer | The total shipping amount in cents. A positive integer representing how much, in USD or CAD cents (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00). |
tax_amount | integer | The total tax amount in cents. A positive integer representing how much, in USD or CAD cents (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00). |
total required | integer | The total amount of the checkout in USD or CAD cents (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00). |
checkout_expiration | timestamp | A date-timestamp of when the checkout_id will expire. - ISO timestamp format - No milliseconds |
Public API Key
Please note that the
is required for checkout and store endpoints and must be included in the checkout object.
Configure the Checkout object
Open Recipe
"public_api_key": "{YOUR PUBLIC_API_KEY}",
"use_vcn": false,
"name":"Your Customer-Facing Merchant Name"
"full":"John Doe"
"line1":"633 Folsom St",
"city":"San Francisco",
"full":"John Doe"
"line1":"633 Folsom St",
"city":"San Francisco",
"display_name":"Awesome Pants",
"discount_display_name":"Returning customer 5% discount"
"discount_display_name":"President's Day 10% off"
"shipping_type":"UPS Ground",