
AttributeData typeDescription
first_namestringFirst name of the individual making the purchase.
last_namestringLast name of the individual making the purchase.
email_addressstringEmail address of the individual making the purchase.
previous_purchasesintegerThe number of previous purchases that the customer has completed ever.
previous_purchases_past_yearintegerThe number of previous purchases that the customer has completed in the past one year.
is_logged_inbooleanIs the customer currently in a logged-in state.
is_email_verifiedbooleanHas the customer’s email address been verified.
marketing_channelstringThe marketing channel this customer's purchase is attributed to.
num_credit_card_savedintegerIndicates the number of cards that a customer has on file with their account.
previous_chargebacksintegerPrevious charge backs from the customer for all of time.
bounced_paymentsintegerNumber of cards that have bounced for all of time for any reason (insufficient funds, closed account, etc).
amount_spentintegerHow much they have spent through company in the past 6 months in cents.
additional_valuearrayArray of data objects that may help Affirm verify the identity of the individual that is making the purchase. For example, visibility into 3rd party fraud scoring systems, address validation details from services like SmartyStreets, previous sites visited, etc.