What should I do if I'm on pipelines and seeing an issue where the order has been placed but there's an error when capturing?
Please look in the Affirm Dashboard to see if the order has been voided. If it has, please follow step 2 in the Pipelines section of the Controllers & Pipelines instructions.
What should I do if orders are failing order validations from the cartridge? Is it possible to ease up the restrictions?
Yes, to remove all validations except the order total check, please remove the following files:
Replace file:
with this version : affirmBasket.js -
Replace file:
with this version : affirmUtils.js
What should I do if customers are experiencing an error going through the checkout but the loan has been left in the authorized state?
- Replace file:
with this version : affirmOrder.js - If you are on pipelines, follow the steps in the controllers modification: instructions
- If you are on controllers, follow the steps in the controllers modification: instructions
What should I do if I'm seeing an issue where the promotional price does not match the ALA price?
Replace file: ~/cartridges/int_affirm_controllers/cartridge/templates/default/util/affirmpromo.isml
with this version: affirmpromo.isml
I noticed that the cartridge should be downloaded from Github, do you have a certified cartridge?
We recommend downloading the cartridge from Github because we keep it up to date with the latest bug-fixes. Affirm has a certified cartridge (sign in required) by Salesforce Commerce Cloud, installing the Affirm cartridge requires developer access to your SiteGenesis instance.
Updated over 1 year ago