Telesales API SDK

Integrate the Affirm Telesales API SDK to support sales agents in assisting customers over the phone. Send checkout links, track application progress in real-time, and manage transactions seamlessly. Includes webhook updates, implementation steps, and UI customization options.


The telesales API SDK provides a streamlined interface to aid sales agents over the phone. With this API, agents can send emails to customers and assist them with using Affirm. This will enable your sales agents to monitor customers' application processes in real-time and assist them in completing their Affirm transactions.

How It Works

The Telesales API SDK works in several stages:

  1. The sales agent initiates the application by clicking Send Checkout, triggering an email and/or text to the customer with instructions to complete their Affirm application.
  2. The application uses webhooks to update the agent's interface based on the customer's progress in the Affirm application.
  3. If the customer doesn't receive the initial email, the agent can click Resend Checkout to send another email.
  4. Once the agent sees the Confirmed status, the Affirm system creates the order.

To collect payment information for the transaction, you will need to implement additional logic to authorize and capture the payment for the transaction. You can repurpose this logic by updating the API keys to the Telesales-specific keys if you implemented Affirm in your e-commerce channel.

Logic Flow

  1. POST the Affirm checkout_object to the [checkout/store]( endpoint.
  2. Webhooks send the event status updates to the server.
  3. The application listens for server updates and provides relevant information to the agent.


Step 1: Open and Update the app.js File

Open the app.js file and update the relevant HTML class/element names to ensure that the correct item information is pulled from the telesales agent’s user interface.


Placeholder Updates

You may need to update placeholders within the checkout_object variable, such as item_URL or shipping_type.

// Grab form values so we can map them to the Affirm checkout_object
var billingFirst = document.getElementById('firstName').value,
billingLast = document.getElementById('lastName').value,
billingAddress1 = document.getElementById('addressLine1').value,
billingAddress2 = document.getElementById('addressLine2').value,
billingCity = document.getElementById('city').value,
billingState = document.getElementById('state').value,
billingEmail = document.getElementById('email').value,
billingZip = document.getElementById('zipcode').value,
billingPhone = document.getElementById('phoneNumber').value,
productName = document.getElementById('productName').value,
productQuantity = document.getElementById('productQuantity').value,
unitPrice = document.getElementById('unitPrice').value,
productName2 = document.getElementById('productName2').value,
productQuantity2 = document.getElementById('productQuantity2').value,
unitPrice2 = document.getElementById('unitPrice2').value,
tax = document.getElementById('tax').value,
shipping = document.getElementById('shipping').value,
discount = document.getElementById('discount').value,
discount2 = document.getElementById('discount').value,
total = document.getElementById('total').value;
order_id = document.getElementById('order_id').value;

Step 2: Pass the Values as Cents

All the values within the checkout_object must be passed to Affirm as cents (e.g., $100 is 10000 cents). The toInteger function on line 19 handles this conversion.

// Money helper - Affirm calculates all values in cents e.g. $100 is 10000
function toInteger(a) {
	var b;
	a = a.replace(/[$,]/g,"");
	if (a.indexOf('.') > 0) {
		b = a.replace(/[.]/g,"");
	else {
		b = a * 100;
	return b

Affirm Checkout Function

The app.js file also contains the affirmCheckout function. This function sends the checkout_object to Affirm and updates the agent's Affirm UI upon receipt of successful webhook responses. The webhook responses are stored in a database and pinged every three seconds by the getWHR function. The agent’s interface will only update if the customer’s order_id matches the one in the webhook response.

Understand Webhook Event Updates

Webhook event updates include the following:

  • Sent: Confirms that the email has been sent to the customer.
  • Opened: Confirms that the customer has opened their email.
  • Approved: Indicates that the customer’s application was approved.
  • Not_approved: Indicates that the customer’s application was declined.
  • Confirmed: Confirms that the customer has completed their Affirm loan and payment for the order is complete.


Data Sharing Agreement

Affirm requires a data-sharing agreement to enable webhook event sharing. You’ll also need to configure a webhook URL to complete the integration. Contact Affirm through your Account team or the support widget for assistance.

About telesalesserver.js

The telesalesserver.js file represents the endpoint where the webhook data will be sent. Its function is to route the webhook event data to the client side, allowing the agent’s interface to update correctly.

Update HTML Code for the Agent

The HTML code for the agent is located within the telesales-orderform.html. You can style the agent window using the style.css file.

<div class="max-width">
    <h3 class="header">Affirm payment details</h3>
    <div class="steps-container">
      <button class="sendcheckout">Send Checkout</button>
      <button class="resendcheckout inactive">Re-send checkout</button>
    <div class="progress-container">
      <div class="progress-bar"></div>
    <p class="helper-text visually-hidden">A link to start the Affirm loan application has been emailed to the customer. They can start the application on their own device</p>

<script async="" src="affirm.js"></script>
<script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script>