Web (transactions)

Explore how you can use our Direct API to offer Affirm as a payment option on your website. Learn more about the process and error handling.


Legacy Charges API

This integration uses the updated v1/transactions API endpoints. If you're using our legacy v2/charges endpoints, click here.


To start a payment with Affirm online, there are three main steps to complete:

  1. Create a checkout form.
  2. Securely tokenize the customer's information.
  3. Use the checkout_token to initiate the transaction.

The sections below walk you through the necessary steps to initiate a checkout.

Checkout Initiation

Initiate the Affirm application in four steps.

Checkout initiation occurs when the customer selects Affirm at checkout.

Checkout initiation occurs when the customer selects Affirm at checkout.

Checkout initiation example.

Checkout initiation example

Step 1. Embed Affirm.js


Account Setup

Make sure that you've set up an account in the Affirm Merchant Dashboard.

Include the following script in the head section on every page on your site. This script always loads directly from the Affirm domain.

var _affirm_config = {
		public_api_key: "YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY", /* replace with public api key */
		script: "https://cdn1-sandbox.affirm.com/js/v2/affirm.js",
		locale: "en_US",
		country_code: "USA",

(function(m,g,n,d,a,e,h,c){var b=m[n]||{},k=document.createElement(e),p=document.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],l=function(a,b,c){return function(){a[b]._.push([c,arguments])}};b[d]=l(b,d,"set");var f=b[d];b[a]={};b[a]._=[];f._=[];b._=[];b[a][h]=l(b,a,h);b[c]=function(){b._.push([h,arguments])};a=0;for(c="set add save post open empty reset on off trigger ready setProduct".split(" ");a<c.length;a++)f[c[a]]=l(b,d,c[a]);a=0;for(c=["get","token","url","items"];a<c.length;a++)f[c[a]]=function(){};k.async=
  !0;k.src=g[e];p.parentNode.insertBefore(k,p);delete g[e];f(g);m[n]=b})(window,_affirm_config,"affirm","checkout","ui","script","ready","jsReady");

After you include the script above, a defined instance of Affirm is created on your client. You then gain access to methods that are within the Affirm object to trigger multiple actions.

Step 2. Render Affirm Checkout

When a customer chooses to use Affirm to pay for a purchase, a checkout object containing the order details should be created so that Affirm can render the checkout flow. You can create a checkout object within affirm.checkout() and then launch the Affirm checkout experience using the affirm.checkout.open() function.

You can configure the checkout object with the following:

  • A user_confirmation_url to redirect your customer to a confirmation page after they confirm their loan
  • A user_cancel_url to redirect your customer to a cancellation page if they don't complete their loan application.
  • The customer's billing/shipping address.
  • A description and total of their cart.

You can find more information about checkout object attributes in our checkout API.

      "merchant": {
        "user_confirmation_url":    "https://merchantsite.com/confirm",
        "user_cancel_url":          "https://merchantsite.com/cancel",
        "public_api_key":  "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY",
        "user_confirmation_url_action": "POST",
        "name": "Your Customer-Facing Merchant Name"
          "line1":"633 Folsom St",
          "line2":"Floor 7",
          "city":"San Francisco",
        "phone_number": "4153334567",
        "email": "[email protected]"
          "line1":"633 Folsom St",
          "line2":"Floor 7",
          "city":"San Francisco",
        "phone_number": "4153334567",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "items": [{
        "display_name":         "Awesome Pants",
        "sku":                  "ABC-123",
        "unit_price":           10000,
        "qty":                  3,
        "item_image_url":       "http://merchantsite.com/images/awesome-pants.jpg",
        "item_url":             "http://merchantsite.com/products/awesome-pants.html",
        "categories": [
            ["Home", "Bedroom"],
            ["Home", "Furniture", "Bed"]
            "discount_display_name":"Returning customer 5% discount"
            "discount_display_name":"President's Day 10% off"
      "shipping_type":"UPS Ground",


Calling the affirm.checkout() function does the following:

  • Sends the checkout object to the Affirm backend.
  • Redirects the customer to the Affirm checkout process on the affirm.com domain or shows them an Affirm modal.
  • Validates the required data in the checkout object

Step 3. Handle Callbacks

After you initiate a checkout and the customer confirms their Affirm loan, we send an HTTP request with the checkout_token to the URL you defined in the checkout object (user_confirmation_url). By default, Affirm sends this request via POST. However, you can configure the checkout object to have Affirm send this request via GET.

You choose how we send the checkout_token by setting the user_confirmation_url_action parameter in the checkout object.

  • Setting it to POST sends the checkout_token in the body of the HTTP request (default setting).
  • Setting it to GET sends the checkout_token in the query string of the HTTP request.


Modal Checkout

You can also retrieve the checkout_token from a javascript callback if you set the metadata mode to modal. Learn more about modal checkout.

Step 4. Authorize

When a customer successfully completes a checkout, it is recorded as a new purchase attempt. This needs to be handled on your server-side to be fulfilled via our Transactions API.

Authorizing an Affirm transaction.

Authorizing an Affirm transaction.

1. Retrieve the checkout_token

Retrieve the checkout_token sent by Affirm via a HTTP request to the success callback.

"checkout_token": "CJXXM8RERR0LC066"

2. Authorize the checkout_token

Authorize the checkout_token immediately by passing the value in the transaction_id parameter to /transactions .

curl --request POST \
     --url https://api.affirm.com/api/v1/transactions \
     --header 'Accept: */*' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '
     "transaction_id": "CJXXM8RERR0LC066",
     "order_id": "JKLM4321"

3. Save the returned id

After authorizing the transaction, save the id from the transaction object returned in the response.

    "id": "9RG3-PMSE"
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": 11500,

Error Handling

Errors generated by the checkout request are presented on the page where checkout is initiated, in the form of a pop-up modal window. Specific messaging about the source of the error is presented in this modal (e.g., "Invalid phone number").

You may define a callback function when this error modal is closed, but currently that callback does not relay any event data specific to the error message that's displayed in the modal.

Here's an example of how this event callback would be defined:

    function() {
        affirm.ui.error.on("close", function(){
            alert("Please check your contact information for accuracy.");


Itinerary Object- Travel Merchant Requirement

If you are a travel merchant, you are required to include the itinerary object in your checkout flow. Click here to learn more about the itinerary object.