Understanding Affirm API Error Codes
Explore Affirm API HTTP status codes, common errors, and troubleshooting steps to resolve integration issues efficiently.
Affirm uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the success or failure of your API requests. If your request fails, Affirm returns an error using the appropriate status code.
En général, il y a trois gammes de codes de statut auxquelles vous pouvez vous attendre :
2xx success status codes confirm that your request worked as expected.
4xx error status codes indicate an error because of the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted).
Les codes d'erreur 5xx sont rares et indiquent une erreur avec les serveurs d'Affirm.
Some 4xx errors that could be handled programmatically include an error code—a short string with a brief explanation—as a value for code. Below is a list of possible error codes that can be returned, along with additional information.
Codes d’erreur | Description |
auth-declined | Charge authorization hold declined. |
capture-greater-instrument | Impossible de capturer des frais sur cet instrument pour un montant supérieur au montant de la retenue d'autorisation. |
capture-unequal-instrument | Cannot capture charges on this instrument for an amount unequal to the authorization hold amount. |
capture-voided | Cannot capture voided charge. |
partial-capture-instrument | Cannot partially capture charges on this instrument. |
refund-exceeded | Dépassement du remboursement maximal. |
refund-uncaptured | Impossible de rembourser des frais qui n'ont pas été saisis. |
refund-voided | Cannot refund a voided charge. |
capture-declined | Charge capture declined. |
capture-limit-exceeded | Exceed maximum capture amount on charge. |
expired-authorization | Cannot capture a charge with an expired authorization hold. |
refund-expired | Les frais liés à cet instrument doivent être remboursés dans les N jours suivant la capture. |
invalid_field | Un champ de saisie a donné lieu à une demande non valide. |
public-api-key-not-specified | Please provide a public API key. |
public-api-key-invalid | Veuillez fournir une clé d'API publique valide. |
public-api-key-wrong-environment | Please provide a live public API key when not using the sandbox environment. |
public-api-key-inactive | Please provide an active public API key. |
api-key-pair-not-specified | Please provide an API key pair. |
private-api-key-invalid | Veuillez fournir une clé d'API privée valide. |
api-key-pair-wrong-environment | Please provide a live API key pair when not using the sandbox environment. |
api-key-pair-inactive | Please provide an active API key pair. |
not_found | Impossible de trouver la(les) ressource(s) spécifiée(s) dans la demande. |
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