Charge Actions (Legacy)

Understand Affirm's charge actions


After creating a charge, you can manage it through several key actions to keep your order management system up-to-date. These actions support various workflows such as processing payments, refunds, and cancelations.


Learn more about charge actions via our API Reference

  • Includes request/response examples
  • JSON-Object definitions
  • Required attributes

Read Charge

With the Read Charge API, you can use the charge_id to retrieve checkout data and the status of a specific charge. Reading charge information is useful for keeping your order management system in sync with Affirm and ensuring records are up-to-date before taking further actions.

You can read single or multiple charges. Note that if you don't specify a charge_id, the response includes a list of charges. You can define how the results are paginated using the limit, before, and after query parameters.

// Read a single charge
     -X GET
     -u "public_key:private_key"
// Read multiple charges
     -X GET
     -u "public_key:private_key"


The Void Charge API used along with the charge_id cancels or deletes an authorized charge. It is often used when a customer cancels an order before it’s fulfilled. Voiding an authorized charge will:

  • Permanently cancels a loan
  • Notifies the user that the transaction was canceled
     -X POST
     -u "(public_api_key):(private_api_key)"


The Refund Charge API allows you to issue a refund for the original purchase amount or a partial amount, similar to refunding a credit card transaction. Affirm automatically calculates all interest and fees corresponding to the refunded amount. For partial refunds, you can refund any amount as long as there is a positive balance remaining on the loan. Refunds can also be processed directly through the Merchant Portal.

Note: Once a loan has been fully refunded, it cannot be reinstated.

curl \
     -X POST
     -u "(public_api_key):(private_api_key)"
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"amount": 50000}'


Use the Update Charge API to update a charge with new fulfillment or order information, such as shipping_confirmation, shipping_carrier, or order_id. Updated details are reflected in settlement reports, linking Affirm charges to your internal order IDs.

     -X POST
     -u "(public_api_key):(private_api_key)"
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"order_id": "JLKM4321", "shipping_carrier": "USPS", "shipping_confirmation": "1Z23223", "shipping": {"name":{ "full": "John Doe"},"address": {"line1": "325 Pacific Ave", "state": "CA", "city": "San Francisco", "zipcode": "94111", "country": "USA"}}}'